Asked Questions
Question 2
Who can apply?
Anyone from academic, non-profit, and for-profit organizations are welcome to apply. From ambitious undergraduates to tenured professors — and everyone in between — from anywhere in the world.
We highly encourage researchers from outside the longevity field to apply, as ambitious projects will benefit from a diverse set of backgrounds and expertise.
Mission-oriented, for-profit companies should inquire with us first before submitting this type of an application.
Question 3
How much funding do you provide?
While we do not have an upper limit for funding requests, previous awardees have typically received anywhere between $10k USD to $2M USD.
Generally, applications with high funding requests are expected to have an ambitious and rigorously reasoned project, as well as co-applicants with diverse expertise, and preliminary data to support their claims.
We will pay a maximum of 10% institutional overhead on top of your requested amount.
Question 4
What duration of projects do you accept?
We have no limit on the duration of the proposed project, although long-timeline projects are expected to provide regular updates.
Question 5
Will my proposal be kept confidential?
Absolutely. Though we generally receive input from different experts in their relevant fields, you should feel free to use the application to mention any individuals we should not contact to prevent any conflicts of interest. All members of the Amaranth team have signed an NDA.
Question 6
Can we submit multiple proposals?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of proposals you can submit and when. We’re looking to find the best moonshot ideas through different projects, and will actively reject proposals that are fundable by mainstream organizations (e.g. NIH, Wellcome Trust).
Question 7
Do we need to be affiliated with a university or non-profit to be considered for a grant?
No. But you should have access to the necessary facilities/institutions (if applicable) to complete your proposed research.
Question 8
What types of projects do you fund?
We fund all types of projects, from pure biological research to policy. Please refer to our Bottlenecks of Aging document for further details.
Question 9
I would like to support the Amaranth Foundation!
Advancing moonshots in the longevity space needs more people like you! Please email at to get in contact, or to anyone on the team.
Question 10
How does your review process work?
Your application will first be reviewed by the core team at Amaranth. If any clarification and/or questions on your proposal arise, we will reach out to you for a brief meeting to go over any details. If successful, your application will be passed to our advisory board and/or experts in the field for a second round of review. If successful, you will be invited to present your proposal to the entire Amaranth team.
Question 11
Do you fund companies?
While our primary focus is to fund academic/non-profit projects, we are open to funding mission-aligned, for-profit companies. We understand that certain projects may be better achieved within a company setting. Please reach out to us at first before making a formal application of this type.
Question 12
Once funded, what are my responsibilities?
We will check in from time to time to see how your work is going. This could be via email or as a short meeting. We want to hear how things are going, and if you have any unforeseen obstacles. We want to help you get the best out of your research.
We do ask that you consider submitting preprints prior to publication so that the impact of your work is not delayed.
Question 13
Who owns the IP for funded projects?
You and, if applicable, your institution do. The Amaranth Foundation makes no claims on the intellectual property of your work.
Question 14
How do I increase my chances of being accepted?
Please refer to our Bottlenecks of Aging menu on the areas of aging research we are excited to fund.
Question 15
When will I hear back?
We aim to respond within 3-6 weeks. Please feel free to contact us if you have not heard back outside of that range at
Question 16
When do you accept proposals?
We accept proposals all year round.